Lifestyle Healthcare

Play safe and play with confidence.

Erectile Disfunction

At some point all men in the lifestyle worry about ED. It is normal to have concerns. But we have found an easy fix through Shameless Care.

Get Educated.

For most of us, consensual non-monogamy (CNM), or choosing to have multiple sexual partners, feels natural. Yet being non-monogamous can feel like an uphill battle. Many of us are either closeted or potentially judged negatively by our families, workplaces, and healthcare providers.

Even when healthcare providers don’t judge us negatively, the healthcare we receive can be inadequate due to their misunderstanding of modern sex lives or lack of training on sexual health.


Our goal is to keep FNO members safe and healthy. This is why we recommend safe sex practices and consistent testing. STD testing is essential when you care for your friends and partners. We recommend Shameless Care.

FNO is an affiliate of Shameless Healthcare. We receive compensation when our members who use their services.